Christmas Tag

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621

I saw that the lovely Leah from Just Me Leah had done a Christmas tag post which originally comes from Make Up Pixie3 so I thought I would join in on the fun and have a go.
1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic? 
Has to be synthetic for me, my mom and dad once had a real tree when I was a teenager and we spent the rest of the next year constantly finding pine needles so that has put me off for life!!
2.You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
I am a cappuccino girl and even when the fancy Christmas coffee combinations come out I still stick to my old faithful favorite. The only thing I might do is treat myself to a festive cake or biscuit!
3.Whats your favorite color scheme for decorating the tree?
In the past I have driven my husband mad by having a one color theme tree which was nearly always silver! I relented last year and we had a multicolour tree which I had to admit did look good so I think it will be the same this year.
4.Giving or receiving?
I won't lie its nice to be given presents, but I love to see my sons face on Christmas morning when he opens his presents that for me is a genuine pleasure.
5.To mince pie or not?
Maybe the odd one, but I am not that fussed on them.
6. What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
If we go to my parents then it would be Turkey with all the trimmings, and if we go to my husbands parents it is the same but on a massive scale!!
7. Christmas Day Fashion
I like to wear something nice but comfortable as I want to be able to enjoy my food without my clothes digging in me. By the evening I am usually in my joggers!!
8.What's your favorite Christmas song?
Can I have two?! I love All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey and Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes.
9.What's your favorite Christmas film?
I loved Scrooged with Bill Murray.

10. Open presents before or after lunch
If we are at home Christmas morning then before lunch as I don't think my son would be able to wait!!!
Please feel free to join in and do this tag, but please do credit Makeup Pixi3.