Christmas Recipes – Chocolate & Orange Bites

By Monsabor @monsabor

The Chocolate & Orange Bites recipe is a delicious christmas dessert ideal for presenting at a party, family dinner,  with friends or even for a romantic dinner. It’s an easy chocolate recipe but with a long preparation, as we have to wait several hours until the chocolate solidifies, but apart from that the recipe is easy to make and prepare.

In the first place we will make a biscuit as explained in the post “Chocolate cake for the Chocolate week”  but without adding the chocolate, ie without the 50 gr of plain chocolate powder and 200 gr of wheat flour instead, the preparation is the same.

Once we have the cake done, with a glass we will cut round pieces (I did it in this way but you could also put the cake dough into a round container to avoid having to cut it later).

Now that we have the Bites done, cut them in half and put orange or mandarin jam on both sides, if you want to make your own mandarin jam here you have the recipe post “Satsuma mandarin jam recipe”, but you can make it with oranges, as they are available in the web now.

To make the chocolate, what I have done is to heat a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath with a little butter. Finally, there is only pour the liquid chocolate over the cupcakes and wait until solidify. Enjoy!