Christmas Party Dress OOTD

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
This post is long overdue as I actually went to my works Christmas Party at the end of November but due to work and illness I haven't managed to share on my blog what I wore!
I did what I always do every year and decided last minute that I wanted something new and I just happened to have a discount code for Simply Be!!
There was one dress that I kept coming back to but I had previously decided against it as it wasn't cheap but no other dress compared!! So I took the plunge and decided to try the Chi Chi London dress and I wasn't disappointed!

These were taken on the night of my party and I must admit I felt amazing in this dress I really stood out in a sea of black dresses and all my work friends loved it!
It comes with layers of net underneath to make the skirt all swirly but it is also lined so the net doesn't scratch your legs and makes it comfy to wear. I opted for the size 24 and I felt it was a little on the generous side even over my boobs! The top part is padded so gives a fab shape and hid my bra well.
Full price this dress is £75 which normally I wouldn't pay but after finding a discount code I ended up paying about £55 and I would say it is worthy of the price tag as it is a beautiful dress.
If you are wanting a dress with the wow factor then I would try it, it is still available over at Simply Be.