Christmas Movies to Watch This Year

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I thought I would share with you some of the Christmas movies I’ll be watching over the festive season. Okay, maybe I have already started watching them and have a few under my belt! I have some grown up movies, children’s movies, and ones that are just great for all the family to watch.

Nativity and Nativity 2 Danger in the Manger are the best of the newest Christmas movies, and a movie the whole family can enjoy watching together, We got a grumpy 16 year old to sit and watch Nativity with us, and lets be honest that’s not an easy thing to do, especially as he didn’t complain once while watching but actually really enjoyed it.

If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what Nativity is about then let me tell you. Nativity is set at St Bernadette's school in Coventry, and quite simply as you can imagine they’re putting on a school nativity show for Christmas. However, it’s not quite that simple when you’re competing with another local school to get the best review.

Nativity 2 again features St Bernadette’s but this year they’re going to compete in a Song for Christmas, at least they will do if they ever make it there! I have had so much fun watching both of these movies, and can’t wait to put them back on again.

For Children’s movies it has to be The Grinch and The Muppets Christmas Carol, I don’t think either of these films need much explaining, I’m sure we’ve all seen them far too many times to count. I’ve already watched The Muppets Christmas Carol, as we tend to watch it while the Christmas cakes are baking in the oven. Who can resist the Muppets, and they bring such a good story. I won’t be watching The Grinch until Christmas Eve, every year I decide I want to go and live in Whoville ‘cause Christmas just looks so much fun there! Even if the Grinch comes along and steals it.

My grown up movies are It’s a Wonderful Life and White Christmas, now I must admit I’ve never seen White Christmas but I will be amending that this year. However It’s a Wonderful Life is a Christmas movie I watch every year, and it never fails to make me cry. If you haven’t seen it, then I highly recommend you give it a watch this Christmas, trust me you’ll love it.

I also have two bonus Christmas movies for you, the first one is my absolute favorite Christmas movie, that I’ve loved ever since we taped it off the TV when it was shown on BBC and that’s The Greatest Store in the World. If you’ve got a Peter Capaldi fan in the house then definitely try and get your hands on a copy of this and see if they can spot him in it! It is a nightmare to get your hands on, my copy is one I bought off eBay and it cost me £10 even though it was once free with a newspaper. It’s about a mom and her two daughters who find themselves with no where to live over Christmas, and mom does everything she can to make Christmas fun for them.

My second bonus movie is Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage, this is one for those of us who love Jared Padalecki whether you’ve love him since he was in Gilmore Girls as Dean, or you’re obsessed with him as Sam in Supernatural. The movie is about the artist Thomas Kinkade and how a community come together at Christmas time to help a family. It’s a movie to warm those cockles!  

Which Christmas movies do you recommend I watch this year?

Beth x

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