Christmas Grrreen Gift Ideas! (Part 2)

By Kali Jay @chicmeparis

Today's episode will be focused on one of my favorite online stores, Aroma-zone, a French paradise for people who love preparing their own beauty stuff at home! 

Diffuseur Brumisateur ZEN 

A simply beautiful gift, it creates a cold steam while changing color and diffusing scents, wondeful wonderful! Will someone give it to me?! (^_^)  

Box Soins complets visage, corps et cheveux 

A luxurious complete box with everything you need to prepare homemade cosmetics from head to toes :) 
You'll learn the basics of cosmetic formulation while having fun, then you'll enjoy the products that YOU made with YOUR OWN hands, such a satisfaction!  

Bon Cadeau Atelier 

You could get to your lover a gift card to attend cosmetic classes directly in aroma-zone's  laboratories, such an amazing 'coup de coeur'! 

[unfortunately the flight to Paris is not included in the price, but it would be such a great further gift to have a trip to 'La ville Lumière', don't you think?!]  (: 
