Christmas Flowers and Décor for Your Office Space

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Christmas flowers and décor for your office space

Since we spend much of our time at work each day, it would be a shame not to decorate this area for the holidays. Not only will it help get everyone in the holiday mood, but it's also great for lifting the spirits of customers. Not to mention the fact that this time of year is pretty colourless outside. So a pop of colour in your workplace will be most welcome. When decorating your office for the holidays, here are some important tips to keep in mind before you order Christmas flowers, plants and other décor.

Consider the size of your space

The larger the space, the more freedom you have to go all out. If you have a small area, you need to keep it practical. You don't want to completely obstruct the flow of people walking just for the sake of placing a Christmas tree in the middle of the room. While your main customer reception area might be large enough for a Christmas tree, perhaps a few poinsettias and some Christmas flowers in a vase, your desk could be a completely different story. In this case, you could hang a wreath on the wall so that you add that festive touch without sacrificing desk space. Alternatively, you can add a mini flower arrangement to your desk if you prefer to have something that you can look at all day.

Keep safety in mind

When putting up any kind of decorations, even Christmas flowers, safety is a main concern. You need to make sure that nothing can fall and hurt your employees or customers. This is why so many people like to place items like fake presents or poinsettias around the base of a Christmas tree. This way, small children cannot get too close to the tree and end up pulling it over. If you plan on suspending any decorations, you should always use new, high-quality materials from which to hang them. Make sure that they are suspended from a strong point that will not give way over time. You may also want to use more than one line to hold the decorations in place - just in case. Many people use transparent fishing line. This is an excellent choice since you can use multiple lines and attach them to several points in the ceiling. Also, take care if you are using berries in your décor. Holly berries and mistletoe are popular additions to Christmas flowers. However, it is usually best to use other non-toxic berries or artificial holly and mistletoe for safety reasons.

Get planning early

Don't wait until the last minute to plan your festive office décor! You might have some decorations from last year or perhaps you want to start over and create a brand new look. Take a look around for Christmas flowers at your favourite florist and make sure that you place your order early. This is a busy time of year for florists around the world. Try to get your order in by the first week of December to avoid disappointment. You can always schedule the flower delivery for the following week so that the blooms will last until Christmas itself.

Remember to keep things practical when decorating your office with Christmas flowers, plants, wreaths and a tree. Sometimes fresh is great but there are times that call for artificial plants and flowers instead. Consider how much time you can spend on maintaining your décor. It's also good to consider investing in high-quality artificial floral and plant decorations that you can use year after year. You can always order a fresh bouquet to complement the artificial décor each year but at least you will have a solid foundation on which to build.