Christmas Decorations with Gel-a-peel

By Evette Garside @evette77

Did you know; Gel-a-peel isn't just for making squiggly patterns or even jewellery.It can also be used for decorating objects and as it's almost Chrismas, we have been decorating Xmas bits using the stuff.

This is the kit and accessories that we started out with.

If you don't know what Gel-a-peel is, then in short it's a new type of craft/design product. Tubes of squirty coloured gels that harden as they dry.

And here are my children's #craftychristmas designs.

The gel-a-peel pens are easy to use and the stuff dries within a few hours. It is best to do it on an old towel or a non carpeted surface just so it doesn't end up stuck everywhere.

Ryan now has his made stocking in his bedroom, yes boys will enjoy it too. My girls decorations are of course now proudly hung on our tree.

Gel-a-peel packs and accessories can be purchased in most good toy stores.
This post is part of the #CraftyChristmas campaign to celebrate Christmas being less than one month away.