Christmas Around the World

By Umkhaloodie

Christmas tree (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Xmas is a time when Christians spend time with family and traditionally eat turkey, pull crackers and share gifts. It’s a very festive time and even though I have converted to Islam, it is one time of year that I love and still celebrate. We still have a tree (it’s just a tree with sparkly lights), my kids still have Santa (he’s just a man in a red suit that brings presents) and we do refrain from anything ‘biblical’ since we are muslim. We really just use it as an excuse to eat great food and buy each other gifts! Xmas is part of my heritage and a time to spend with family so throughout December, I will be sharing a picture a day of Christmas around the world. We are off to Lebanon for our first stop to (oh f****) ski… lol im scared and then heading on to Austria, Germany and then back to the m.e for fireworks at the Atlantis for new year! It’s going to be a wild one! Love you all and see you when I get back!
