Christmas 2016

By Clairejustalittleless

Gosh, I haven't taken this many photos in a long time or had the time to edit and post them. I hope you've had a lovely Christmas. We've had a glorious week of family time, fun and festivities. We managed to see more members of our extended family than in recent years and Tim and I also managed to sneak away for two nights. We stayed in Shrewsbury which is an hour away from home. We enjoyed reading (I finished A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson and read Matt Haig's The Girl Who Saved Christmas), walks by the river and lots of time in coffee shops and cafes. Driving through fog and waking up to a frosty white landscape enveloped our stay in a Narnia like magic. I don't think the spell has quite broken yet.  
At home, Tim saved our Christmas with his epic cooking and skillfully managed to cater for our new vegan (eldest son became vegan six weeks ago) whilst also ensuring it was gluten free for one of the grandparents. Yes, that it is a gluten free and vegan lemon cake and it tastes as good as it looks. It's even better with a douse of limoncello (as is Christmas pud). Our starter was homemade beetroot hummus. We get through a lot of hummus these days.

We're having a quiet new year and leaving the boys to do the partying. I hope you enjoy your new year weekend and I look forward to sharing more Just a little less with you on the flip side (apparently this refers to DJs not talking until after playing the B-side of a vinyl record but it also means 'see you later'). Vinyl and vegan; it's all so 2017.