Christmas 2011

By Eatingcrowpie @eatingcrowpie

I think I'm done decorating for Christmas now.  

I hope I'm done.  (Don't they look like weird trees?)

Weird trees with white spray paint snow on them?

A whole forest of weird, snowy trees!

Weird, snowy trees piled under another weird tree!  (I call this my sad, skinny, little tree.  I won it at the company Christmas party!)

I put my Barbies on this tree since it's a little higher off the ground and hopefully inaccessible to Frank.  We'll see.

I'm also trying to burn the house down by placing highly flammable painted weird trees next to hot, hot, candles.  Yeah!

And repeat on the kitchen table!  (I'm kidding about the burning the house down part.)

I love this tree.  Here's my tree from last year.
P.S.  All of the presents in these pictures are fake.  Posers!  I still haven't bought a single thing.  I'm not going to either, unless you count an ornament for our family swap.

P.P.S.  Thanks to you-know-who-you-are for the pinecones!