Christians Used As Human Shields By Obama Linked Syrian Rebels (Video)

Posted on the 07 September 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
It was reported yesterday that the Syrian Army was sending reinforcements to the Holy Christian village of Ma’loula, which is on a UNESCO list of world heritage sites, where the people speak a language believed to have been spoken by Jesus Christ, to protect them against the attacks from Syrian rebels.
To be clear, the Obama administration claims these are not the Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels that they back, but videos posted by a Free Syrian Army brigade show its fighters also participating in the assault against the village, along with two other groups including al-Nusra.
Those videos will be shown below.
So let there be no mistake, Obama is publicly backing the very rebels that have attacked this Holy Christian village.
It is a sad day, an embarrassment to every American, when the U.S. president backs a group who is even worse than the murderous dictator, Bashar Assad, whom Obama wants out of power.
In the first video below a reporter asks a Syrian Army member why the Obama backed rebels chose that town, which has always been left alone before.
"They know that American missiles will not strike a UNESCO site, the Army will not dare hit it either. It's a safe haven for them [rebels]," he answered.
These rebels are using these innocent Christians as human shields.

Below are the two videos, posted by the Obama backed FSA rebels, showing the attack on Christian village of Ma’loula.

Cross posted at Before It's News