Christian Bale Has Relied On Pie To Transform Into Dick Cheney

Posted on the 14 September 2017 by Sumithardia

Christian Bale Has Relied On Pie To Transform Into Dick Cheney

If there’s one thing we know Christian Bale can do, it’s shape-shift for the sake of a part. He basically lived on a nutrition plan of mouthwash and diet pills to drop 65 pounds for his role in The Machinist. And even when he looked like a praying mantis, I’d still hit it. Then he packed on the muscle to give us all a good panty cream when he was Batman. So when he showed up to the Toronto International Film Festival looking a tad paunchy, we knew it was for a juicy part. Sadly, it isn’t Hollywood giving us the Nintendo Kirby’s Dream Land movie we all want and deserve. It’s all part of his transformation into Dick Cheney. Christian sat down with Variety while at TIFF, and he made me green with fucking envy when he spilled his secret to getting into the part: It’s pie!

Christian Bale says he's been eating "lots of pies" to look like former VP Dick Cheney for upcoming film #VarietyStudio presented by @att

— Variety (@Variety) September 12, 2017

Who knew all it took was heaps of my mom’s key lime and pecan pies at Thanksgiving to look like our under-the-table president from the Bush years? If Christian was smart, he would say he’s been getting into character for years, and that would explain why he was such a dick on the set of Terminator Salvation since, well, Dick wasn’t exactly known for being a pocketful of sunshine! The Cheney flick doesn’t have a title yet, but we know Amy Adams will play his wife, Lynne Cheney. This sounds all fine and dandy, but Christian is known to go very method. His friends better think twice the next time he asks them to go quail hunting!

Check out the gallery below for Christian and wife Sibi Blazic at TIFF on Tuesday night:

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Source: Christian Bale Has Relied On Pie To Transform Into Dick Cheney

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