Chosen as ” Multitasking Mom of the Year 2014″ by Pigeon India – Treat on Women’s Day !

By Sangeetha

Heey.. How are you doing ? Belated Happy Women’s Day! I never ever thought of a day entirely dedicated to Women so far in my life. Looking at the current Indian scenario, I can say that women still are not completely safe here. The number of rapes, abuses , domestic violences , female foeticide and what not !! But still there is a day for women. Hmmm.. Maybe in this day we can look back and respect all the women we knew , we know and we might know in future .

What was special for this day ? Well my husband took me out , went for movies yes 2 movies back to back :). Another add on to this Pigeon India has chosen me as the ‘Multitasking Mom of the Year 2014 ‘. Eeegh  :) !! Felt happy and overwhelmed :) Couldn’t wait to share this news with you ALL .

I will be writing a post on multitasking skills too later. Aaj k liye bass itna hi.. Do let me know how your women’s day went. Take very good care of yourself.

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