Choosing Your Response

By Nadine
We can't always choose what happens in our lives, but we can choose our response to it. Below is an awesome story to illustrate it (copied from this site).
"A young man died and was met by an angel. This Angel explained that the man must choose whether he will go to Heaven or to Hell. "But before you choose, I will show you both." The angel led the man down a great hall at the end of which was two great doors. "Which would you like to see first?" The man took a deep breath and asked to see Hell first, thinking to get it out of the way. The Angel opened the doors to Hell and led the man through. A great banquet hall stretched away from them, fading into the distance. On it were all manner of wonderful foods and drinks. Sitting on either side of this banquet were the residents of Hell. Everyone had a board tied to each arm extending from shoulder down to their wrists so that they could not bend their arms at the elbows, and thus could not feed themselves. As far as the young man could see were bodies: People dying from hunger and thirst, and corpses interspersed with skeletons. He backed out of the room in horror pursued by the screams and moans of suffering and shut the door behind him.
After some time the young man regained his composure and asked to see Heaven. The Angel opened the doors to Heaven and led the man through. A great banquet hall stretched away from them, fading into the distance. On it were all manner of wonderful foods and drinks. Sitting on either side of this banquet were the residents of Heaven. Everyone had a board tied to each arm extending from shoulder down to their wrists so that they could not bend their arms at the elbows and thus could not feed themselves. BUT some of them were dancing, while others sang, and everyone was talking and laughing as they fed each other at arms length."
Which response are you going to have?