Choosing the Perfect Front Door for Your Home

By Kravelv

If a suit makes a man then the front door definitely makes a house. It is actually the first impression of a person’s house and of course the person itself. There are various factors you need to consider when choosing the right front door for your house. It isn’t just about the color of the door; you also need to think about other things such as the style and the material of the door. Everything about this and more you can read here in order to help you choose the perfect one for your home.


When choosing the style of your front door try to be expressive but also not to overdo it. Go with just one style. It is smart that your front door architecturally goes along with the rest of your house. If you are more of a traditional type you can always go for a classical rectangle wooden door; or if you are more into a Victorian style an arched door with a combination of stained glass is in order. Try to find your style and choose the door according to it.


The size of the front door greatly depends of the style you choose. Standard doors are sold as 36 inches or a couple of inches wider. If you want to choose the proper jamb size just add a ½ inch to the frame height and ½ inch to ¾ inch to the width. The width of the door is measured across its face. Also, take into consideration if you are choosing standard doors or double doors. That is why it is important to choose the style first.


When deciding on the color of your front door you need to think about a couple of things. First you need to think about what color would suit your house; then about what color would suit your personal style and in the end what kind of paint you should use. Also keep in mind that different colors depict different feelings in people and it has great effect on their psychological state. So if you want to make a powerful statement definitely choose red.

It is well known that red color represents power, passion and strength. If you decide on more cheerful and bright coloring certainly go for an orange or a yellow one. They are cheerful and many people identify these colors with happiness and warmth. And if you want something different and refreshing but also stylish, you won’t make a mistake with a deep blue or purple. And of course, if you are looking for something classical and glamorous but also dark and mysterious, just choose black.


The material you choose for your door needs to be of high quality and durability. The most common types of material are wood, fiberglass and steel. A most common choice is definitely wood which is glamorous and beautiful but also demands some good financial investments. Also, they are sensitive to moisture and sunlight so they need to be examined every year. So if you are looking for some quality doors that are stained and with high gloss finishes Furniture down under doors offer a variety of solid timber doors at lowest prices. Fiberglass doors are a good choice if you are looking for something affordable and durable.

They are a good choice for harsh weather conditions and also they are practically maintenance free. They are made with a foam core so they make an excellent insulator. In the end, when talking steel  we are talking strength and security. They won’t crack or warp but there is a possibility they will dent. They aren’t made for extreme climates.

In the end, when you have already chosen the style, coloring and the material be sure to buy smart. Think long term and profitable. The key is to make a smart investment that will pay off. Keep in mind all these factors that just might save you the energy and the money. Think about maintenance and life expectancy of the door you are choosing. It is best to choose a professional manufacturer and to make sure that all components come from him in order to know that all parts will fit together perfectly.


Author Bio:

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to latest DIY projects and interior design.
