Choosing the In-Fashion Handmade Diamond Rings For Your Girlfriend

By Dudepins @dudepins

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If you are browsing the exquisite handmade diamond rings, it is quite obvious that you are preparing to propose to your beloved. There are many factors to consider while choosing an engagement ring for your life partner. It is understood that a budget would play a crucial role in your final choice but your focus is on choosing something exclusive and exotic for your fiancée. After all, an engagement ring is a true expression of your deep love and unfaltering commitment to your life partner. Here are a few important factors to keep in mind while choosing a handmade diamond engagement ring.

Opt for a Reputable Jeweler

It is vital to identify a renowned jeweler while making your purchase. You need to talk to family and friends and seek their recommendations. You could talk to other recently engaged or married couples and find out from where they had purchased the rings and if it is worthwhile to pay a visit to their jeweler. Moreover, choose a company which is receiving letters to certify the authenticity of their diamonds from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Your jeweler must offer diamonds that are evaluated by any certified jewelry institution

Remember It Is Going to Be Time-Consuming

When you are looking for handmade diamond rings, obviously, you are not expecting to buy it and take it back with you the same day. You would need to place an order for customizing the engagement ring. It would take about a month for the ring to be ready as per your unique specifications.

Check Out the 4Cs While Choosing the Diamond

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You must keep in mind the 4Cs while choosing the diamond. The 4Cs include the clarity, cut, carat and color of the diamond. Whatever you choose must be according to your personal preferences. If you are looking for maximum dazzle and overall brilliance, then place emphasis on the cut of the diamond. Moreover, it pays to remember that the symmetry, proportions, and polish could be having a major effect on the overall appearance of the handmade diamond.

Do Ample Research on Settings

Browse the Internet for different setting options. Do ample research online about the diverse settings. After a thorough study, you could choose the right setting for the engagement ring. You could ask your fiancée to try on a few different settings to make sure which one suits her most or which one she would prefer to wear.

Choosing the Band Wisely

While choosing the right band, you could choose from the conventional yellow gold, or white gold, platinum, or opt for the currently in fashion, the rose gold. You may even consider mixing and matching two different kinds of metals to create a unique band. It is all a matter of your choice and preference.

Uniqueness Is Bound to Win

When you are opting for a custom handmade diamond ring, it would actually be designed right from the scratch. You would be providing valuable inputs at every stage of the designing process. You could choose your favorite metal for the band; express your preference for the cut and size of the diamond, the stone itself, the carat, and different elements that go into the making of the handmade diamond engagement ring for your beloved. This would imply that the final product is certainly 100% unique. There would be no other ring that would look just like yours.


Choosing the best handmade diamond engagement ring for your life-partner is an important and critical decision. You just want to ensure that your beloved would find it mind-blowing. Think about the factors mentioned above and you would be on the right track.
Author Bio: Mandy Bular is a jewelry designer who is also an avid blogger and fashion journalist. She contributes to fashion magazines from time to time and writes mostly about jewelry design trends. Her blog posts are pretty helpful as they are quite informative. She offers recommendations about valuable resources such as

