Choosing Flowers for Your Valentine’s Day Wedding

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Choosing flowers for your Valentine's Day wedding

Valentine's Day is associated with love and romance. Which is why it should come as no surprise that many people around the world love the idea of tying the knot on this special day. Weddings are special no matter when they take place. Of course, when you get married on Valentine's Day, it only underlines that feeling of romance. When planning a Valentine's Day wedding, there are a few things to remember when it comes to choosing your flowers.

The first thing to remember is that this one of the busiest days for florists around the world. All the more reason to place your order well in advance. Florists will be busy with dozens, or even hundreds, of flower orders which means that you need to make sure that you get ahead of the queue. This will help ensure that you avoid disappointment and you will also give your florist more than enough time to plan ahead and gather the necessary stock. Shopping around in advance will also give you more than enough time to compare prices and find the best value for money.

You will need to set a budget just as you would when planing any wedding or similar event. Knowing how much you can afford to spend and the size of your venue are crucial. You need to know how many bouquets you will have at the ceremony as well as those needed for the reception. Do yourself a favour and have several florists provide you with a written estimate and make sure that each estimate includes the size of the various bouquets and the types of flowers that will be used. Flower delivery and any additional costs like vase hire should also be included in the estimate.

Roses are particularly popular wedding flowers and they are just as popular for Valentine's Day. That said, rose prices tend to increase around Valentine's Day and red roses are often one of the higher priced flowers per stem. If you have your florist draft a quote in advance, they should honour this quote and their prices should not suddenly skyrocket because of Valentine's Day. Of course, you will need to specify when your wedding is planned so that your florist can provide you with an accurate quote. You might be required to put down some kind of deposit and it's always good to confirm your flower order a couple of weeks in advance.

If you are on a tight budget and you're not able to afford red roses, you could look for other red flowers like carnations or tulips. Ask your florist about red flowers that are usually available, in season, or particularly cheap around this time of year. Carnations are known to last longer than many other flowers which is why they are so popular. Remember to ask about filler flowers and add some foliage too. This will help fill up those vases without stretching your budget beyond its limits.

Once you have placed your flower order and you have paid your deposit, don't forget to ask for a receipt. The receipt should include the details of your flower order or it should at least reference the number on the original quote. Make sure that all of your details, contact numbers, and venue details are correct before paying or signing off on the order.

Remember, just because you're getting married on Valentine's Day does not mean that you are stuck with a single theme. You can make it really fun by getting creative with your floral décor. Add romantic flower picks, little teddy bears, perhaps set up a few chocolate bouquets, and make it as colourful and romantic as possible!

Finally, it's also good to remember that not all weddings are extremely formal events. For a formal wedding, you should ask your florist for their most elegant designs. For something less formal, you can afford to have a little bit more fun. Red might be a popular choice but remember that pink and other bright colours aren't off the table.