Choosing Colored Contact Lenses According To Your Skin And Hair Color (B)

By Attireclub @attireclub

Many people need slight vision improvement, with all the screens we look at, all the reading and writing we do. Contact lenses are not only a way to improve or help your sight, but they also make a great fashion accessory. For those who choose to wear contacts instead of glasses, transparent lenses are the best way to go. But those who wish to make a change in their appearance, can count on contact lenses to do the job. Some contact lenses come without sight helping properties, they are made just for the appearance factor, so anyone can use them.

In this article, we are going to discuss diverse guidelines for those of you out there who wish to see what they would look like with a different eye color. Just like in the case of clothes and glasses, you can choose your colored contacts according to factors such as your skin tone and hair color. 

Sometimes even Disney characters wear contacts

Contact lenses and skin tone

Here are a few lines you can follow if you want to choose your contacts in connection to your skin color and tone.  Here are a few tips that can help you decide. In order to follow them, you need to know what your skin tone is.

To tell what skin tone you are, there are a few tricks: The most recommended trick is to put a golden jewel or fabric next to your skin and then a silver one and see which one looks best. If gold flattens your skin tone, you probably are a warm type, and if silver flattens your skin tone, you probably have a cool skin tone. This however, can be a little hard to establish.

Also, you can check your veins: If they’re blue, then you’re a cool skin tone. If they’re green, and you’ve got yellow undertones, then you a warm skin tone.

Warm skin tones tends to have a golden or apricot undertone. People with this skin tone tend to have hair with hints of orange, yellow, red or gold. The eye color tends to be amber, dark brown, hazel, or green.

Cool skin tones are the most common skin tones to have. Cool toned skin has a pink or rosy undertone. Cool tones’ hair often contains blue, blue-violet, silver, drab, and ash undertones. The eye color tends to be light blue, gray-green, blue green, turquoise, gray-blue, black or cool brown.

Back to the contact lenses,

People who have warm skin tones (meaning they have yellow or gold undertones) the contacts that often look best are the ones that include highlights of colors such as light brown, honey, hazel or green.

People with cool skin tones (meaning they have blue undertones), can get also “cool” eye colors such as ice blue, violet or plum for example.

Contact lenses and hair color

Choosing your contacts according to your hair color is also easy, but there are more options, since there are more hair color families.

People with black hair can choose lighter contact lenses. Bright blue eyes usually go well with black hair. you can also go for gray, which may look a little different but it will definitely stand out.

For those of you who have brown hair, you have a variety of natural eye colors, but most common colors are brown, blue, or hazel eyes. If you are not a natural brown-haired person, try a blue colored contact. Blue usually goes very well with brown hair. The contrast of the darker hair with light eyes will really make your eyes stand out. If your brown hair has a hint of red to it, you can go for a hazel color as well.

Blonds commonly have baby blue eyes but they can also have brown and green eyes. Those with blue or brown eyes may want to go for a green that will go with their blond hair. But if you’re not a natural blond, you can go with a blue or green color contacts. Blond hair can go with a lot of colors, the sky is your limit.

Redheads usually have blue or green eyes but you can actually try color enhancing blue or green contacts, using  other shades and hues, and even switch between these two colors. However, people agree that red hair and green eyes are a great combination.

Additional information

All colored contact lenses come in one-tone, two-tone or three-tone shades. This means that a one-tone has just one color, while a two tone mixes two tones of the same color and a three-one uses three shades. Three tone colored lenses are usually the ones that are the closest to giving the eye a natural look and more depth and dimension.

Just like in the case of glasses, there are different types of contact lenses as well. Try to find lenses that have the most features they can have, or the features your eyes need, such as UV protection.

Contact lenses come in different types: hard lenses and soft lenses. Hard lenses can last up to a year and are more cost effective. Soft lenses are daily disposables, bi-weekly or monthly disposables.

Don’t forget that color contacts from different manufacturers are usually made in different sizes, and the colors are applied to the lenses in different densities and patterns.

There are a lot of factors that you need to consider before getting contact lenses, and this article does not substitute any medical consultation. You should always consider with a doctor before making any choices. Make sure you have all the information and that he approves of the contacts you buy! Not doing so can be harmful, and we’re think you don’t want that.

Further reading:

Choosing the colors of Your clothes according to your skin tone

Choosing glasses according to your face shape, hair and eye color

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. Do you wear contacts? Have you ever worn colored contact lenses? How did the others react? Did they change your appearance? Share your thoughts below!