Chocolate Truffles

By Harini
Decadence in every bite equals chocolate truffle :). I think this is the best way I explain today's post. I have been eying this recipe for quite while in one of my favorite blogs.Every time I saw those pictures, and read the recipe I was sighing when will I finally make it and well today I stopped thinking and craving and made them right away :)
Chocolate truffles is my first home made chocolate confectionery and I am more than happy that I made this attempt a success. I mostly followed Elise's recipe with a few modifications so as to use the ingredients in my pantry and they were oh so delicious :). Try this blissful indulgence for yourself and I am sure you will keep praising about these non stop like me :) Thanks a lot Elise for such a tasty and hassle free recipe.

How to make chocolate truffle- Recipe
According to Wiki
"The "French truffle" is made with fresh cream and chocolate and then rolled into cocoa or nut powder."
200 grams dark or semi sweet chocolate bar ( I used dairy milk silk)
1/2 cup fresh cream(I used one small tin of nestle fresh cream)
3 table spoons unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting
3 table spoons roasted and chopped mixed nuts ( I used cashews,almonds,pistachios and hazelnuts)
1 table spoon butter scotch chips
1.Chop the chocolate coarsely and keep aside.Heat a small thick bottomed vessel,empty the fresh cream tin, and bring the cream to a boil. Remove from heat,add the chopped chocolate and let it stand for 5 minutes till chocolate melts.

2.Whisk the chocolate and cream into a smooth mixture,add the butter scotch chips,mix well.This is ganache.Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours
3.Make small balls of refrigerated ganache quickly as the chocolate will start melting very fast and again refrigerate over night.Next day coat the truffles with chopped nuts and dust with cocoa powder.
refrigerate until serving

Time: 20 minutes (excluding refrigeration time)
Yield: 15 truffles
Looks like variations are endless with these little cuties:) Next time I am planning to make ganache with white chocolate,roll the truffle with one whole nut inside and coat with them with some colourful sprinkles :)
1.The recipe I reffered to called for heavy whipping cream but I used fresh cream as I didnt have whipped cream at the moment
2.I think some flavor addition like a drop or two of strawberry or pistachio essence will make a huge difference to ganache.
3.This ganache will also be very useful to do instant icing for cakes and cookies