Chocolate Tart Enriched with Walnuts

By Vall444
No-Bake Chocolate Pomegranate Tart #recipe


190g oatmeal biscuits

90g butter, melted
200g dark chocolate
150ml heavy cream
½ cup walnuts

Grind oatmeal biscuits in blender and add melted butter. Mix until smooth.

Grease 2 small tart pans and share the dough into each.
Wait it in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Boil some water in a pot and put a heatproof bowl over it and melt chocolate in it.
Add in heavy cream, mix and take it from heat. Let it reach room temperature.
Share chocolate on tarts and place walnuts on them.
Chill in refrigerator for 3 hours and serve cold.