Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 2
Theme: Kid's Summer Vacation Recipes
Dish: Chocolate Pudding Pops
So for the final day of this week's blogging marathon, I have any sweet treat for the kids. The recipe for these Chocolate pudding pops is from
Nupur's blog and I knew I would make them as soon as I saw her post.

Both my kids son love chocolate and these pops are perfect afternoon treat for a warm summer afternoon. They are very easy to make, make some chocolate pudding, pour into molds, freeze and serve.

Nupur made them in the microwave, but I cooked the pudding on the stove. It takes about 10~12 minutes of hands-on time and they were quite a big hit with the kids. My daughter wants me to make strawberry pops next. That will be my next popsicle recipe :-)
Recipe from One Hot Stove:
Chocolate Pudding Pops
Unsweetened Cocoa powder
A pinch
Whole milk (I used a combination of whole milk and unsweetened almond milk)
Vanilla extract
In a medium size saucepan, combine sugar, cocoa powder, cornstarch and salt. Whisk well to combine.
Stir in the milk.
Place the pan on the stove and cook on medium flame, whisking constantly, until the pudding starts to thicken up. This takes about 6~8 minutes.
Let the mixture cool slightly, then pour into the popsicle molds and freeze for 4~6 hours or overnight.
When ready to eat, warm the popsicle lightly under hot water for a few seconds, then pop it out and enjoy!!
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for
BM# 65.