Chocolate Mince Pies with Port - Recipe

Posted on the 31 December 2013 by Angela @daisyangel1

I know I am rather late posting this recipe, it's now New Years Eve! To top it off it is also supposed to be an entry into December's We Should Cocoa Challenge, but I have kind of missed that too. 

Recipe for sweet chocolate pastry
150g butter
250g plain flour
30g cocoa powder
90g icing sugar
1 beaten egg
pinch of salt

jar of mincemeat

2-3 tablespoon Port

Preheat oven to 180 degrees c or gas 4.

  • Rub the butter and flour together, until it resembles breadcrumbs. 
  • Sift the icing sugar and cocoa into the mixture, add the egg and salt. Mix altogether lightly to you obtain a smooth dough. 
  • You will need to chill the pastry for a minimum of 30 minutes, wrap in cling film and place in fridge.
  • Roll out the pastry onto a floured surface, cut out using your pastry cutters and place into you pie trays. 
  • This should make a good 16 mince pies, but it will depend on how thick you like your pastry. 
  • Before adding your mincemeat straight to your pastry cases, pop it into a bowl and mix in 3 tablespoon of Port, or more but you do not want it too runny. 
  • Add a good teaspoon of the mincemeat into the pastry cases.  Use a little milk to fix the pastry lids on. Bake in the oven for 15 mins.

It is tricky to judge when chocolate pastry is baked, but I always say its better to have slightly over baked pastry than under baked. So if you are unsure bake for a few extra minutes.
I  baked some of these for my Christmas Office Bake Off, but finished them with a nutty topping.This is my late entry into December's We Should Cocoa Challenge, which this month combines chocolate with alcohol and is hosted by Chocolate Log Blog.