Chocolate Marble Cake

By Awayofmind

So happy to see the Bake-Along theme for this round is Chocolate Marble Cake, one of my son favorite butter cake. Yes, I know this is a butter cake, since I have successfully shrink down more than 3 kg, I think I can take a break to consume this buttery cake :D Anyway, I am very excited to see how the marble effect on this cake turn out to be. Of course, the swirls can be better. The taste of this chocolate marble cake will not disappointing you, the texture of the cake is buttery and fine not like the store bought coarse cake texture. 

I'm using the recipe from Lena of Frozen Wings. Thank you, Lena! Another good afternoon tea cake for me and my son :)

Recipe from Frozen Wings original from featsoffeasts
225g butter
2/3 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup milk
4 oz semi sweet chocolate coarsely chopped


1. Line the loaf pan.
2. Melt the chocolate over simmering water.
3. Preheat oven at 180C. Sift flour with baking powder and salt together.
4. Use the electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla extract.
5. Add flour and milk in alternate batches. 
6. Pour half of the cake batter into melted chocolate. Fold in gently until well mixed.
7. Drop large spoonfuls of chocolate batter then plain batter till the pan is filled. Using spatula or knife swirl the batter gently in number 8 motion only once to create marble effect.
8. Bake for 1.5 hour if top of the cake brown too quickly, cover with foil. 

I'm linking this post to Bake Along hosted by Lena, Joyce and Zoe.