Chocolate Eclairs

By Nadjanoemi

The other day my friend Lisa asked me if I have ever made eclairs before and how they worked. I answered no, although we could try them together. That´s what we did and you know what? For making eclairs the first time they turned out pretty damn delicious!! The shape of the eclairs varied a little bit and were not perfect, since it was our first try. But honestly, we really didn´t care about that and definitely enjoyed making fun about ourselves! The pretty looking ones were used for taking pictures the following day and the rest were eaten right away! We used Bruno Albouze´s recipe, which also has a tutorial on youtube. Making choux pastry is pretty easy, although you should watch the dough not to be too fluid. I had to add a little more flour as stated in the recipe. But anyways using his recipe was perfect!

This is what you will need (for about 20 eclairs)

for the pâte choux

  • 125g milk
  • 125g water
  • 125 butter
  •  a pinch of salt
  • 1 Tbs. sugar
  • 200g flour
  • 4 eggs
  • powdered sugar

Combine milk, water and butter in a medium sauce pan and bring to a boil. Add slat sugar and flour and stir until well combined. Now start mixing the dough using an electric mixer, that way it will col off. Then add the eggs and mix until well incorporated. Fill dough into a piping bag with a star nozzle tip. Pipe on a parchment paper covered baking tray. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Bake in oven at 230°C for 5 minutes. Then reduce temperature to 180°C. Bake for about 20-30 minutes or until golden brown. Then let the eclairs cool out.

for the chocolate filling

Chocolate mixture

  • 125ml milk
  • 40g cocoa powder
  • 130g dark chocolate

Heat milk in a small saucepan. When brought to a boil, set aside and add cocoa powder and melt chocolate in it, stirring constantly. Set chocolate mixture aside to cool off until you will need it for the custard.


  • 500ml mik
  • 60g sugar
  • 1 tbs. vanilla sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 tbs. sugar
  • 40g cornstarch

Bring milk, sugar and vanilla sugar to a boil. Meanwhile mix egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch in a separate bowl. Add egg yolk mixture to milk mixture. Fold in chocolate mixture and stir until thickened. The consistency will be a custard. Cool in fridge covered with a plastic foil. Then sift through a strainer. That way it will taste especially fine.

Fill custard in a piping bag using a tiny nozzle. Make two little holes on each eclair´s back and stuff chocolate into the eclairs.

Chocolate glaze

  • 100ml heavy cream
  • 150g dark chocolate

Bring heavy cream to boil, remove from heat and add chocolate, stir until melted and chill in the fridge.

Dip the tops of the chilled eclairs into the chocolate glaze and  set on a sheet pan. Let them cool out completely.

You can serve them with berries.

Voíla, now these yummy eclairs are ready to be served!!

Enjoy, bon appétit!

