A well-balanced smoothie is a blend of not only fruits, but vegetables, protein and fat. There are so many combination possibilities, that I never make a smoothie the same way twice, except for maybe this one. Some days I want to detox, some I want to satisfy a craving, and other times I want to fuel my body post workout. This chocolate coffee concoction came to be because I needed a jolt of energy and something easily digestible before a mid-afternoon run. I added unsweetened cocoa powder for a healthy way to make this good for you drink more indulgent, plus I enjoy the bitterness, but chocolate protein powder or chocolate milk would be just as delicious. If you do plan to have this smoothie pre-workout, I suggest sipping it down 30 to 60 minutes before exercising. This smoothie not only makes for a great breakfast, but it’s a great way to enjoy your favorite iced coffee beverage in a much healthier way.
Chocolate Coffee Protein Smoothie
Ingredients {Serves 1}
1 cup {or 2 chilled espresso} – Cold Coffee
1 – Frozen Banana
1/4 cup – Greek Yogurt
1 scoop – Protein Powder
1 to 2 tablespoons – Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
Handful of spinach
Dash of cinnamon
In this order, add the coffee, banana, protein, yogurt, cocoa, spinach, and cinnamon and blend until smooth. Pour over ice and serve. Alternatively, you can blend the ice in the blender, if you prefer a slushier smoothie.