Chocolate Brownie Bingsu

By Rumblingtummy @RumblingTummi
Last month, we had Bingsu twice.  I totally fell in love with this snow texture ice.   At S$18 plus a bowl, it is way too much for me to eat alone, even with hub helping out, we struggled to finish up a bowl.  

The brownies were pathetically little for that kind of price so I wanted to try making Chocolate Brownie Bingsu.  At least I can add as much ingredients as I like.

Findings: I didn't have an ice shaver but I used my useless Kenwood blender (ice mode) and it didn't work at all.   Also I think I need to work on the milk base.  I might want to add in cream for my next attempt.

Texture of the ice is like ice kachang.  I wish now I have an electric ice shaver. (wink)

Overall, we did enjoy this dessert and it will be a bonus if I can find an electric ice shaver.

I realised I forgotten some whipped cream.  Must remember to add that next round.

What you need
Serve 2

500g fresh milk (next round, I want to add in cream)

Banana, cut into thin slices

Oreo Crumbs
Cocoa powder
Almond flakes, toasted
Hersey chocolate syrup
Condense milk
Ice cream


Freeze the milk in a good resealable bag overnight.

Break it up and then blitz it in the blender (I failed).  Just use spoon to scrap quickly.

Add half the shaved ice on a bowl.

Top with cocoa powder and orea crumbs.

Add the remaining ice and dust with cocoa powder and oreo crumbs again.

Top with brownies, ice cream, banana and almond flakes.

Drizzle Hersey chocolate syrup and condense milk.

Serve immediately.  

Happy Sunday!