ChiTAG Review: Fablossom Maker Kit

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

At the Chicago Toy and Game Fair, I left with a bag of items to review. One of those items was the fantastic Fablossom Maker Kit.  I’m a sucker for kits that allow you to create something out of fabric without the use of needles or glue. Fablossom is a great example of a fun, easy craft kit that makes fantastic looking fabric flowers that take very little time.  Not to mention, you can reuse this kit again and again with refill kits.




The concept of Fablossom is simple– it’s a fun, fast and fabulous way to create your own fabric flowers.  The kit comes with a board to make the flowers and enough fabric to make 3 beautiful flowers of your very own.  The kit itself is well thought out and sturdy.  It’s easy to use, too!  The directions, while printed on rather dark paper, are pretty easy to follow and the website offers a video tutorial for those who learn by watching, rather than reading.


Pieces (not shown: plastic tabs)

Essentially, you fold circles of fabric into triangle shapes and lay them onto the provided board.  When you have two rows of fabric triangles, you use a yellow stick to attach the outer tube to the inner tube, which will bind the fabric together.  Insert the included jewel, choose a backing and your flower is done!

Work in progress!

There are so many uses for these pretty fabric flowers!  This start kit comes with one barrette backing, one piece of velcro and two pin backings.  As explained in the instructions, this doesn’t mean you need to pin them to your shirt, jacket, backpack, etc.  You could, also, attach a hair clip to the pin to create a cute hair band.  Or why not use velcro and attach these fabulous flowers to your favorite things?  Keeping dolls in mind, these make it easy to create hair accessories for your larger doll or doll outfit designs.


Fablossom refill packs are sold online for $4.99 and give you enough supplies to create three new flowers.  Hopefully, they will eventually come out with larger refill kits, as it’s very easy to whip out all three flowers in fifteen minutes! I would imagine you could use thin fabric of any kind on the Fablossom board, assuming the plastic attachments that hold the fabric in place are eventually sold separately. My hope is that the company tries selling the plastic attachments separately at some point and in larger packs.  I can think of many fabrics I would love to make into flowers!  Really, this starter kits dependency on refill packs is the only thing that disappoints me.  However, as this is a new concept that isn’t backed by a large toy company, I’ll cut them some slack and keep my fingers crossed!

As far as craft ‘toys’ go, the Fablossom is fantastic.  It makes it super easy to create adorable fabric flowers and will delight many, young and old! Fablossom kits and the refills are sold online. The product can also be found on facebook. What do you think of Fablossom? Share your thoughts below!

December 13, 2014. Tags: ChiTAG, review, video review. Category: Introductions & Reviews, Category: Uncategorized.