Three old ladies came up to us at the museum cafe coo-ed, laughed and smiled with us. Only sweet old ladies get away with calling your little bubba 'all gums and no hair'. They get away it with for reasons I will let you fill in the blanks on... (get it?) haha. I had a little pink ribbon in her 'hair' (I use the word lightly) and they thought it was just darling - which is what prompted them to stop for a chat initially.
Before they shuffled off (honestly, one of them, the fancily dressed one, had a zimmer frame), they told me to enjoy this time because they don't stay babies for long. This is the top/most popular advice I get from Mums of older kids. I just say yes , nod and smile. I then try to make an effort to do just that! I really do.
Today Coco did two things for the first time. Like properly:
A wave goodbye (as my cousin and her mom left)
An actual clap (this morning after breakfast at the table)
It was lovely to see. I told my relatives that they brought new skills along with them when they came to visit. Family moments are right up there in the beautiful memories were making as a family. April seems to be family month, as the two-gang above left, my younger sister arrived to stay.
Wishing you joy and a beautiful week!x