For the last decade or so, Chimericana Books has been a repository for all 'rights returned titles' that I, Mike Philbin, have written in collaboration with various writers or under various pseudonyms, Michael Paul Peter, Hertzan Chimera and my role as editor of the Chimeraworld anthology (which made it so its sixth annual issue).
I've recently re-secured the rights to all my paperback-published novels from 2008 to the present day. As soon as the final-edit is completed on CUSTODIAN (free planet¹), I'll be publishing it through the brand new Chimericana Books (using a different service provider for the digital and hard copies) and re-issuing the following titles under spanking new covers for a new digital readership. In the first instance, it'll be the following five titles with all the other Chimericana Books titles making the transition to the new provider in the coming weeks.
Here is the new title:
(82,000 words)
Whether you're aware of this or not, there's a Corporate War going on. A Grand Chess Game against You The People ensures that you remain slaves to the system. An elite group of Oxford's finest students have set themselves up as The Custodians to try to help You The People realize that (with the technological opportunities open to man) you should all be living on a Free Planet by now. But it's never that simple when you're trying to turn the NEED TO KNOW world on its head.
Also available in paperback version.
Further novels in the FREE PLANET SERIES are to be free planet² LIBERATOR and free planet³ REAPER.
And here are the relaunch titles:
(77,000 words)
There’s a mass murderer in the sleepy seaside town of Yôroppa who is listening to all the local gossip and using it to select his next victim. Only by keeping quiet can the inhabitants of the town hope to save themselves. Everyone is a suspect but, boy, can they gossip.
(42,000 words)
“Clarke” arrives in the coastal town of Tiamoros at the suggestion of his boss who has a holiday home there. All is not well with Clarke but Tiamoros itself hides weirder things. One of them is Fuentes.
(42,000 words)
Bukkakeworld is the conscious evolution of the staid three-act narrative horror genre. It's a book about YOU, the corporate lackey, the indentured, the subordinate. Stuck in a job you cannot stomach, under a manager you want to annihilate, in a corporation that wants to grind you into nothing more than human grease to lubricate its inhuman profit-making machine. You are not alone.
(49,000 words)
The world is coming to an end, and the angels don't give a damn. Oxford, England: Marcus (who works part-time at the falafel kiosk in town) awakens to find a giant black and white bird at his window. He's sure that's what he sees: a giant bird with feathers that throb with sinister portent. He shakes himself awake and gets ready for work, unaware that his world no longer exists.
The full list of publications is available through Amazon's Mike Philbin profile page.