Chilli-tastic – May

By Sophiecussen

Since my last update I’ve managed to reduce my excess chilli plants down from 37 to 13.  The boss in fact manage to sell the 24 for me without any hesitation.  It would seem the plants are far more popular than I imagined!

All but 1 of the 13 have been potted up into 1ltr pots each.  The only one left is my heritage plant, Mushroom Yellow is growing slightly slower than the rest but that’s okay I’m hoping it will be worth the wait.

The plants are now sat outside, after having been acclimatised, in the walk-in grow-house.  I have bought a a rather nifty mini grow-house which I have yet to put together but will be sat on the patio ready to give the chilli plants as much heat and light as possible.

I’ve experimented with various different growing structures over the years and while a poly tunnel would be the most ideal setting for the plants it’s just not possible to fit one in where it could get the best weather.

Instead I’ll have to settle for quality plants over quantity and see if it makes a difference.

Obviously the more plants the more chillies but that’s not to say 1 plant on it’s own doesn’t produce loads of pods.  I’ve realised it’s all to do with the variety of plant, where it sits, what it sits in and what you feed it.  I think Seaspring seeds more than proved this was the case last year when they picked over 2,000 chillies from one plant

By the end of this month the plants will be potted up into their final 10 liter pots and will start to be feed.  That’s if I can keep the slugs and greenfly away long enough.

Let the pest battles commence!

Chilli photo’s

Naga jolokiasMushroom YellowAji crystalCayenne

How are your chilli plants doing?  Has anything happened to them you weren’t expecting or is it all growing to plan?