Children’s Book Review: "Grandma, Aren’t You Glad … the World’s Finally in Color Today!" by Lori Stewart

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor

My boys are always shocked and amazed when I tell them about how I grew up. I made it all the way through college with no computer or Internet. Our first television showed pictures only in black-and-white, and we only had three channels. There were no videogames or cell phones. How did I survive without today’s “necessities”? These are always fun conversations, and the children’s book, Grandma, Aren’t You Glad … the World’s Finally in Color Today! by Lori Stewart will spark these kinds of discussions with your children and grandchildren.
Told in fun rhyming verse, this book is told in the voice of a grandmother explaining to her grandchild how HER mother and father lived as compared to life for kids today. Great-grandma attended a one-room schoolhouse, used a blackboard, and walked to school. Families played board games instead of videogames and read books or listened to the radio for entertainment. It soon becomes obvious that the differences are vast between kids’ lives today and those of their great-grandparents! A timeline at the top of each page highlights memorable moments, such as when Alaska and Hawaii became states and the Polaroid camera was invented.
Grandma, Aren’t You Glad … the World’s Finally in Color Today! is not only fun to read with kids, but it’s educational (even if kids don’t realize they’re learning)! Vintage and color photographs also lend reality to the text. This book would make a great gift for children to give to Grandma for the holidays!

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