Children of War

By Made4aid
In December/January made4aid has sent £460 / $718.11 to Médicins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) for their Christmas Appeal - Children of War - an appeal to raise money for their work with children who have been injured or whose lives have been damaged by conflict around the world.
This is what the money could buy:

£16 would provide a basic medical kit containing three instruments necessary for making dressings in a sterile way.

£89 would pay for the supplies needed for a typical surgical operation by MSF, including surgical dressings, injections, catheters and drains, sutures, linen and sterilisation, and surgical instruments.

£100 would cover the cost of medical supplies in Amman for one child for maxillo-facial surgery so he or she could breathe, eat and speak with ease.

Thank you so much to those of you who have supported and encouraged made4aid to keep going, who have donated items or cash, or bought from us, or promoted on your blog - or sent a nice email!
Here are some of the things we've sold in the Etsy shop since re-launching this autumn:

Lots of other things currently in the Etsy shop and more to come.
Most of the photographs you can see here are available to order, either as greeting cards or as art prints.
I hope you'll keep looking here, and in the shop - and know that your support is appreciated.