Title: Children in the City of Fallen Towers
Author: Joey Pinkney Buy It Now: Amazon Synopsis:This historical-fiction piece peeks into the post-9/11 life of a Puerto Rican preteen named Mia and her big brother Carlos. Their only refuge is Abuela Mendez and her one-bedroom apartment in East Harlem. While Mia struggles to make sense of the loss of her mother, Carlos attempts to shield Mia from Abuela Mendez’s heavy-handed way of keeping order in her household.Children in the City of the Fallen Towers: a short story is like a modern-day, adult fairy tale - complete with a princess, a broken heart, a desperate situation, an unlikely villain and a force of good. This drama takes less than twenty minutes to read and also includes an in-depth Author’s Note, Selected Links and more (3,050 word story, plus a 1,050 word bonus Author's Note).Special ExcerptGoing on her third hour at the only window facing Ground Zero, Mia never took her eyes off the gray smoke that stole the sky’s blueness. Even though the window was sealed shut from layers of paint, the stench of smoke and fear mingled everywhere.
Without turning from her view, Mia said, “She’s your mama, too...”
“But, you want to know one thing about her being my mama?” asked Carlos.
“What...” Mia’s reply came across as a command, just as she intended.
Catching his breath after finally releasing some of his pent up energy, Carlos placed his palms gently on Mia’s window sill. Sweat started to bead across his face as his heart rate slowed down.
“What do you mean what? Why you say it like that?” Carlos’ questions were more like playful challenges.
“Just tell me.” Mia’s distance was unshakable.
“Listen.” Carlos stood up straight. “I don’t have time to talk to you like you’re a baby. I want you to hear what I’m saying now so you can use it later.”
Before Carlos could get his thoughts together, Mia inserted, “I got a question.”
“Why do you say my mama?” Mia gazed at him with a darkness in her eyes beyond her years. “And not our mama?”
“Well...” Carlos sighed and looked away.
“I need to know that for later, too, right? Because you said...”
“I know what I said. But...” Carlos turned away from Mia.
“But what? Tell me that. You are telling me everything else about Mama. Tell me that.”
“OK. Listen.” Carlos took a deep breath and turned back to Mia. “I’m only going to say this once. And once only. Do you understand?”
“Your- Our- Mama…” He took another deep breath.