Hello all of you wonderful followers! It has been a super long day and I'm very tired. Before I went to sleep I wanted to encourage all of you to please vote for the Ronan Thompson foundation. I have been facebooking and tweeting about this today, so some of you may have seen it. The chase community is giving away money to charities based on our votes, how awesome is that? The Ronan Thompson will use that money to help children with cancer if they win. I have been seriously aware of childhood cancer since I was in 5th grade and am now working on becoming a nurse to work with Pediatric Oncology. It is my passion to help children like Ronan, who unfortunately didn't survive his cancer. Find out more about his story from the blog Rockstar Ronan, written by his mother Maya. Children should not get cancer or die. I hope I live to see a cure for cancer, especially childhood cancer. It breaks my heart and reading about Ronan has made me cry every single time. I'm sorry if my thoughts are all over the place but my point of this post is to say. PLEASE VOTE! It dosn't take long at all. Today is the last day to vote and I would love to see The Ronan Thompson foundation to come in first place. It is super easy and fast to vote, a moment of your time can help make a difference. I have voted, donated, ordered a T-shirt and bracelets for this cause and also bought the Taylor Swift song 'Ronan' which is how I found out about all of this. I'm not just asking, I'm also doing and I hope you guys will help out also.
If I wasn't so tired I would go way more into detail. It boils down to this, It is a great cause, easy to do and supports childhood cancer. Thank you all for listening to me and Thank you for voting in advance!
Vote for the Ronan Foundation HERE!