Chicago Bears Linebacker Sam Acho Talks Faith “I Want To Be A Light To My Teammates”

By Firstladyb


Chicago Bears linebacker, Sam Acho, who grew up as a preacher’s kid, shared during Chicago Sun-Times Face to Faith podcast on Sunday that he would love to share the gospel with his teammates.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:

“I’ve always thought, man, I’d love to . . . share the gospel with my teammates. I want to be a light to my teammates. There’s a bunch of guys in the NFL that need Jesus. We all need him. But . . . let me get to the people that may never hear, and let me be a light to them.”

Sam Acho went on to share how he has conversations with  God throughout the day.

“There are so many times I have conversations with God throughout the day, like moment by moment, minute by minute, where it’s like, ‘All right, Lord, I need some guidance, I need some direction, what do you think about this?’ I almost talk to him like he’s one of my friends.”


“About life, about football, about whatever is going on.”

“The spirit of God in me . . . He’s guiding me.” So the “question is: Am I going to listen?”

Face to Faith appears Sundays in the Chicago Sun-Times, to listen to the entire podcast click HERE