It's that time again... CHIC AT EVERY AGE . This week, we're styling a DARK FLORAL CHOKER TOP!
For those of you that have just tuned in, this fab collab is exactly how it sounds... a chic chick in her 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s shows you how to style a piece in their own way. I'm working with some of my FAVORITE gals in Dallas!!
The 20-something // Natalie of The Fashion Hour
The 30-something // ME!
The 40-something // Heather of
The 50-something // Cathy of The Middle Page
Photography // Mary of So Then They Say

How would YOU wear this top? And have you adopted the dark florals trend?
BTW, don't forget to turn back the clock on Sunday for Daylight Savings!
Happy Friday Loves! I'm running around today with Little M for ANOTHER kindergarten preview and a dentist appointment. I feel like things have been so go-go-go lately. It always just gets busier around this time because of the holidays!!