Cheyenne Randall’s “Shopped” Tattoo Art | Ten Reasons to Follow Him

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

I am showcasing ten visual reasons to obey these five words: Follow @indiangiver on Instagram now.  If you haven’t heard about Cheyenne Randall’s #shoppedtattoos concept here it is.  His concept of digitally applying tattoos on iconic celebrities from decades past or even more recent years is a deeply thought provoking one.  In my opinion none of it offends because it’s all so tastefully done.  What’s really interesting how he is able to present the great “What if…” in precisely executed fashion and his choice of photos to work with reveals the respect he has for the people in frame.  I also sense a bit of fun amidst the whole #shoppedtattoos thread he has begun on IG, the “inking” of everyday civilians or the odd family member/friend included.  Remember take it all in with an open mind, this is just an idea :).

Read more to see all 10 photos I chose from Cheyenne Randall’s “shopped” images.

1.) Marilyn Monroe 2.) Audrey Hepburn 3.) Carrie Fisher (as Star Wars’ Princess Leia) 4.) James Dean 5.) Elizabeth Taylor 6.) The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: William & Kate with Prince George 7.) Barbra Streisand 8.) David Bowie 9.) Brad Pitt and Edward Norton (for Fight Club) 10.) Linda Hamilton (as Wonder Woman), source: @indiangiver on Instagram