Chex & Pluots

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Before we get to the good stuff. I want to remember 10 Years Ago, the day that changed the world.

I wasn’t allowed to watch tv in the mornings before school. I was 14 and a new freshman. I walked through the huge double glass and maroon doors like it was any other day. As I walked from my locker toward my homeroom a friend, Samantha, tugged my arm. Neither one of us actually stopped walking in our separate directions. “A plane crashed into the World Trade Center” she said.

I didn’t even process what she said. I was only 14 years old and without a picture of the World Trade Center, I couldn’t comprehend what she said.

After two periods of classes I finally had a teacher who ran the news on the tv through the entire day. I watched people run in terror, kids in my classes frantically call their loved ones who were in New York City. I was actually afraid, despite living over 3,000 miles away.

Thank you to everyone who helped restore safety. Thank you to everyone who restored unity.



It’s half plum half apricot…. plu-ot!

I had my first one last night and I’m sort of obsessed….

This morning I wanted a HUGE bowl of cereal. Small bowls of cereal are just silly, HUGE bowls are the only way I roll.

Cinnamon Chex and a pluot with soy!

I’m secretly hiding the box of Cinnamon Chex in my bedroom behind my door…. I don’t want to share.

Don’t bet between me and my cereal! I can’t be held responsible for what happens.