Cherry Blossom Inspired | What Lies Beneath

By Goodbadandfab @goodbadandfab
The story behind these photos are worthy of a good chuckle!
 For Love and Lemons dress
Upon our initial arrival in Japan, the cherry blossoms hadn't bloomed yet as it was still unseasonably cold. Not knowing when or where we'd ever see the blooms, I hedged my bet and brought my cherry blossom inspired dress everywhere we went in the off chance a few buds decided to spread its petals. And they did, on the least photo opportunistic day. 
We were biking through Kyoto in chilly "the wind is slapping my face" weather. We must have biked at least twenty miles that day pedaling through endless temples and gardens. Due to the cold and the brisk winds, I had a runny nose and one of my false eyelashes was definitely on its way out. I looked rough. On our way back to the bike shop, we rode alongside a quaint and peaceful stream that all of a sudden opened up to beautiful white cherry blossoms planted tenderly along the edges. Big Foot exists!
Since I had all but given up on taking photos with one of my favorite flowers, I was wearing a bike friendly, photo unfriendly outfit-heavy layers and leggings. But I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass by. We went to the parking lot across the street and behind a barely tall enough van I took the wrinkled For Love and Lemons dress out of M's backpack and changed into it. It was so cold I kept the leggings on which is why all the photos are waist up. I was also wearing the wrong bra for this plunging dress so M had to manhandle my boobs to adjust my bra every five seconds to make sure it wasn't peeking out. And yes, there were tons of other people taking photos around us. Lastly, I had to make sure not to look directly into the camera as the falling eyelash looked like a giant spider stuck in my eye. 
And that's the story behind these photos! I want to thank M for being a good sport and having a thick skin to deal with his thicker skinned fiance!