Cheney Declines To Endorse Trump, But What Does That Really Mean?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Facebook reports that Dick Cheney has told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a report to air tonight that “I will support the nominee of my party, as I always have.”

3 Translations Of This Comment

  1.  “I do not endorse Donald Trump, but if the person I do not endorse is nominated, I will support him or her, even if it winds up being Donald Trump, or Scott Walker, who has suggested he will consider building a wall along the Canadian border.  So basically, I will support anyone.  Just not right now.”
  2. “Just to make it clear, if the Democrats nominate rock, and the Republicans nominate scissors, it’s Scissors 2016, baby.”
  3. “p.s. I would really support it if CNN started talking about someone else than Donald Trump, because the self-fulfilling media-induced prophesy of his potential presidency even slightly scares me.”