Chelsea Wolfe – “The Warden”

Posted on the 02 July 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

“The Warden” is the latest from Chelsea Wolfe, and it’s a far cry from the misty guitarwork “Fight Like Gods” we wrote about a couple of months ago. Again, Wolfe seems influenced by the likes of Radiohead, though this time through her sophisticated combination of post-rock entrapments and club-friendly electronica. “The Warden” bares its teeth in a spectacularly twisted smile, stepping back and forth between dense verses and a bridge in which Wolfe’s voice finds itself dancing through the upper atmosphere of some fantasy world. There is something medieval to Wolfe’s vocal flurries; something that makes it very easy to imagine her singing from inside an ancient monestary or even Hogwarts. “The Warden” is the first single from Wolfe’s upcoming Pain is Beauty LP, and it’s not what we’ve come to expect from a musician who never seemed content to fulfill expectations anyways.