Chef Matt from Fresh Menu Planner

By Shadesofcinnamon


Meet  Matt Kearns from the  Google + Food Bloggers community that I belong to – our little Food Blogging global village comprising of  over 2500 food bloggers around the world.

Matt is the mastermind behind The Fresh Menu Planner , a website where he shares Dairy Free and Gluten Free recipes.  He is also the co founder of The Main Dish, a concept in Calgary, Alberta that focuses on Healthy Eating in a convenient way.  Here his customers are able to order freshly prepared healthy meals, that they can heat up and enjoy in the comfort of their own homes. Or they can go into his restaurant and get healthy breakfast, lunches and dinners from a hot counter .

Matt is passionate about eating healthy and teaching others to do the same.

 Today he is sharing his healthy Grilled Summer Fruit and Kale Salad with flax and chia seeds.

and Quinoa Crusted Eggplant Parmesan a great gluten free dish .

Thanks Matt for sharing these great recipes with us.  View Matt’s Profile here .

Or follow him on

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