Cheesy Risoni with Chicken Meatballs

By Olgalina

A very easy and quite healthy chicken meatballs with cheese and garlic and creamy risoni pasta.
The meatballs are not fried in oil, but instead boiled quickly in chicken stock, which makes them tender and delicious, cuts on calories too. Original recipe called for much more butter. I used just olive oil which was good.
Serves 4
250g risoni pasta
1-1,5 l chicken stock
2 large chicken breasts
4 pieces of stale bread (about 90g)
2 eggs
70-80g parmesan or sharp sheep cheese will also be good + some for garnishing
small bunch of parsley
1 t.s. dried thyme
black pepper and salt to taste
2 garlic cloves
olive oil
Begin by blending all ingredients for the meatballs in food processor. Now make small (about half a table spoon) sized balls. I got 24.
Pour chicken broth into a large pot and wait until it boils. Drop meatballs in three batches into chicken broth and cook during 8 minutes approximately. Take them out.
When all meatballs are ready cook risoni in the same broth until done. I found that adding garlic to the pasta will make the dish even better.
Serve risoni with some olive oil, garlic, chicken meatballs and cheese. Enjoy!