Cheesecake Cupcakes for Your Wedding from the English Cheesecake Company

By Claire

Loads of cou­ples are exper­i­ment­ing with alter­na­tives to the tra­di­tional tiered wed­ding cake. Smaller cakes and cheese­cakes can be part of a cre­ative dis­play which looks fab. They’re also con­ve­nient because you can serve guests a piece of cheese­cake or a cup­cake for their dessert. This makes so much more sense than the tra­di­tion of tiered cakes which then have to be taken away and sliced, then either served after the main meal or given to guests to take home.

English Cheesecake Company mini cupcakes (2)

The Eng­lish Cheese­cake Com­pany have rather inge­niously com­bined cheese­cakes and cup­cakes — which they describe as a “heav­enly piece of lux­ury you won’t be able to resist”.

It’s true. With a lit­tle help from my boyfriend, I had eight (not all at once).

English Cheesecake Company mini cupcakes (4)

We tried four cheese­cake flavours — Cookie Rollin’ In the Deep,  Straw­berry Erup­tion, Caramel lava-ly and Don’t be blue, berry. (OK so the names are weird — but they do taste lovely). We loved the caramel flake and blue­berry flavours, made from moist vanilla mas­car­pone sponge with lovely cheese­cake frost­ing. The straw­berry top­ping was lovely but these cakes had cheese­cake fill­ing — which they really didn’t need, as they were already yummy enough!

English Cheesecake Company mini cupcakes (3)

The Proper Review — cheese­cake cupcakes

Much as I love being sent free cakes, I do take reviews seri­ously so here’s the final verdict:

  • Would I have these again? Absolutely, in a flash
  • Would I rec­om­mend them for a wed­ding? Yes, but order a trial box first to check deliv­ery is OK (I had no prob­lems) and find your favorite flavours
  • Top tip: these are pretty big cakes and might be a bit much for some of your guests, so con­sider mix­ing and match­ing with some of the mini cheese­cakes I reviewed for you back in April

The sci­ence bit (deliv­ery info)

The cup­cakes are sent by courier on an overnight deliv­ery (so you do have to be in to sign for them). They’re packed in a big poly­styrene box, and rather excit­ingly are frozen with dry ice.

They really do arrive very cold — com­pletely frozen and ready to go straight into the freezer. There are safety instruc­tions inside for han­dling the dry ice (“DO NOT play with dry ice”…) — basi­cally you just put it in your out­side bin. Because the cup­cakes are so well frozen the top­pings stay put while they’re on the move — and then when you’re ready to eat them it just takes a few hours in the fridge first.

Once defrosted, there’s absolutely no sign the cup­cakes were ever frozen and stored — your wed­ding guests will never know!

With thanks to The Eng­lish Cheese­cake Com­pany for being so gen­er­ous and yummy. I still have one last cheese­cake to review for you — but I have plans to dec­o­rate it as cre­atively as humanly pos­si­ble first! Watch this space…