Cheese Please: The Best Cheese I’ve Ever Tasted

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

I love cheese and don’t think I’ve ever met a cheese that I didn’t like, well except maybe for one of those really smelly ones,  so saying that I found the best cheese I’ve ever tasted is no small feat.  The best cheese I’ve ever tasted was deep fried Camembert served with a side of cranberry sauce.  Not the most diet friendly thing I’ve ever eaten, but one of the most delicious!  I tried it at the Stuttgarter Weindorf, a wine festival featuring over 250 types of wine from the region.  You might think that wine would have been the best part of the festival, but for me the deep fried Camembert that just melted in my mouth, surpassed the wine, even though  I did thorough research by trying quite a few different kinds of wine.  I’m quite sure that such a large plate of cheese is intended to be shared, but I possessively ate the whole thing myself – guilt free.  Several days later I was still dreaming about it despite my rounder stomach, so went back for more, but this time I shared it – well a few bites anyway.

What’s the best cheese you’ve ever tasted?