Cheer Me Up Flower of the Month Club

By Kate_miller

Kalanchoes + a Cyclamen.

'Twas a dull, gray and stormy day.  Almost dreary enough to have me grateful I was indoors, at a trade show, (almost) vs. outdoors, doing what I do best. (Nothin' much!)
Seeing as how it's the depths of winter, I've started a Cheer Me Up Flower of the Month Club. Oh, not one of those ultra spendy ship 'em from the grower via Fed Ex schemes. Those are delightful and, truth be told, I would much prefer that ~ provided someone else is paying for it.
No, no, my Cheer Me Up Flower of the Month Club originates at the local supermarket. They entice me with a new flowering plant most every time I walk in there! This month it is tiny pots of Kalanchoes plus a misfit Cyclamen on sale for $3.99 (like I'm gonna pass that up...)
* Did you know.....? Many of the pretty flowering plants found in the supermarket are re-blooming perennials who shine time, and time again, on a sunny window sill.
Kalanchoe Growing Tips:They love warmth and sun and pretty dry soil. (Because, you see, they are succulents.) They do not appreciate fertilizer. Flower best when root bound. Pronounced Kah - lan - ko - eeee.....
Instagram pics are taken on the fly, with my iPhone. {Plz forgive the poor quality.} These are the little pretties currently gracing my kitchen window. How are you keeping cheerful this winter? Got any cool plants to share?

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