Cheeky Sunday Selfie w.2 (Photography)

By Themowway @themowway

As explained on this post, each Sunday (or Monday) each Sunday I'll be uploading a cheeky selfie on Instagram (follow me here) to celebrate that I'm not perfect but I still love myself!! Can you think of anything better to celebrate? 
Anyway, another week's gone by, doesn't time fly? Shared a halloween themed photo on Instagram yesterday and a selfie of Paris and myself whole snuggling on the sofa watching Sons of Anarchy!

Starting form the large photo clockwise: Paris is not allowed on our bed, but couldn't resist taking this photo before telling her off! ♥ I've been having green sluchies for breakfast (recipe here) ♥ Wearing sandals, it's seriously so  hot! ♥ Amazing sunset through and olive tree ♥ Enjoyed these gorgeous views while having lunch the other day ♥ Loving this cat dress from HM (outfit post here)  These beautiful flowers ♥ Another phto of my absolute fave dress from HM (outfit post here) ♥ I've been busy doing some sewing ♥ My outfit was editors choice on (silly but made me happy) see here! ♥ Found this amazing flowal blazer ♥ Boy do I LOVE this leather biker jacket! See full post here!
Would you like to join me on this Self-LOVE challenge?
Upload your photos onto Instagram and use the hashtag #mycheekysundaySelfie. I'll feature here on the blog all those photos you share (a shoutout)
I'm heading to Manchester this afternoon, woohoo! Hollidays!!! I might be abit slow answering emails/comments/tweets, please bear with me! :)
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