Checklist for Buying a Home This Season

Posted on the 30 September 2022 by Uplarn @UPLARN_MEDIA

Real estate, as a market, has always attracted buyers. Over the years, there have been so many busts and booms, yet the sector appeals to millions consistently. The pandemic surely changed the way the market shaped up and how it behaved. However, the current year is seeing some stabilizing and better pricing.


  • 1 Checklist for buying a home
    • 1.1 Do Not Risk Your Money
    • 1.2 Pre-approval is a Better Deal
    • 1.3 Avoid Border Disputes
    • 1.4 Timing of The Market
    • 1.5 Big is not The Best
    • 1.6 Skip Those Sleeper Costs
    • 1.7 Neighborhood Watch
  • 2 Summing Up

Checklist for buying a home

If you have been toying with the idea of buying a home, this is the time to actually polish your own stand and refer below checklist.

1Do Not Risk Your Money

If you have to make real estate buys by moving money from other sources, then reconsider the decision. It is wise to keep some money secure as a backup. Real estate investments in Wallace Idaho homes for sale or elsewhere don’t mean that you invest everything you have saved in the same bucket. Additionally, you must keep in mind that taking chances with the credit profile you have is a strict no.

2Pre-approval is a Better Deal

It is always better to get a pre-approved offer in hand. Remember that there is a difference in buyers having pre-qualification and a buyer having a pre-approved offer in hand. Getting a pre-approved offer suggests that the lender has taken a look at all your financial information. The lender bases the decision on such information. Pre-approvals save time and also your energy since you do not need to run about finding an offer for buying a home.

3Avoid Border Disputes

It is important getting a property survey done to ascertain that you are buying the right property. You need to know precisely that the property lines need to be in place and will save potential disputes going ahead, with neighbors. Avoiding order disputes will also help your property taxes be in place. An accurate mapping has a lot of advantages no doubt!

4Timing of The Market

Stop obsessing with understanding the timing of the market. Delving too much on the best time to buy isn’t a good idea. The ideal time to make a purchase is when you get hands on the perfect house that you might afford.

5Big is not The Best

While the general notion is that bigger things are better, the truth is far from it. The old adage in the market for real estate goes like, you must never buy the best and the biggest house on a block. Re-selling becomes tough when you have the biggest on plate. A home is going to increase in value as per the surrounding houses. Remember that when you pay $500,000 as price for a home while the neighbors pay $250,000 the price appreciation is expected to stay limited.

6Skip Those Sleeper Costs

The difference in ownership and renting is that there is a certain angle called sleeper costs. A number of buyers simply focus on calculating the mortgage payments but they forget these sleeper costs. The latter includes association dues, utilities and property taxation.

7Neighborhood Watch

Before you seal the deal on the home, do check up the neighborhood. A number of home buyers turn distraught when they think they have landed the right home, but got a bad deal on the neighborhood front. You can keep track of how the neighborhood is at night and in the early mornings. Check out the schools in the district and also ensure that you check up on the availability of basic utilities in the area as well.

Summing Up

Buying a home is never an easy decision. However, when armed with the right checklist, you can actually make the decision a well-thought-of one and one that you cherish for the rest of your life.