Checking In

By Daisyjd

I know, I know, long time/no write. My new job is fantastic but to say I’m burning the candle at both ends (and anticipate doing so for awhile) would be an understatement. We’ve already begun implementing some new ideas to make our days flow a little more smoothly – this weekend I cooked ahead to make sure our fridge was full of easy meals and snacks, we hired a housekeeper, I’m making more lists than seems imaginable. All in all the changes are good, but I’m exhausted at the end of the day and fall into bed so I can get up and do it all again!

All of that said, my favorite part of my blog is keeping things for posterity, so here are some tidbits/happenings/Gracie-isms that make me smile…..

– Gracie turned two (I will write about this soon) and she is such a joy and a tornado of energy. When she is good she is very, very good, and when she is bad…… well for instance, lets just say I had to pick my chin up out of my lap when she informed me on a recent car ride that “Mom, no talking. You don’t know me.” OH. OK THEN. (Discussion about manners immediately commenced)

– My husband has taken to getting up early and using our spare set of car keys to warm my car up. Our temperatures seem permanently stuck in the negative to single digits, and his little act of service is so beyond appreciated. Every morning as I climb into my not-that-warm-but-also-not-frigid car, I thank him and his thoughtfulness. It really is the little things.

– Gracie has two new adjectives, “beautiful” and “delicious” which she uses liberally in conversation. It is as amazing as you’d imagine, especially when she thanks me for her delicious yogurt. I mean, sure thing kiddo, any time!

– Gracie moved from her crib to a “big girl bed” (her crib with the side rail removed) as we work on her actual big-girl-room but before she cracked her noggin climbing out of the crib, which was her new trick of the month. The transition to the bed wasn’t even a blip on the radar for her, once again reminding her parents that we can plan for nothing.

– Chicago continues its downward spiral into the never ending freeze, and I’m beyond over it, just as I was last year. The lining in my favorite pea coat has begun to deteriorate, I’m down to one pair of good gloves and I have salt smudges on every jacket I own. UNCLE.

– Rhett Butler continues to be awesome and I just figured he deserved a mention. He turned 10 in January but you’d only know if you were carefully watching his ratio of white to tan hair- his personality remains solidly at 8 months.

– This past weekend we got a babysitter (my cousin! the best kind of babysitter because Gracie is OBSESSED with her and I’m pretty fond of her myself) and met some out of town friends for drinks and catching up. Nights like that always serve to remind me that getting out as a couple is so important and enjoyable. We had a great time, we relaxed, we focused on things outside of work/our household/the usual. We got to try this amazing imperial stout. It was so good that we have 2 more date nights planned in the next month!