Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech wedding ceremony is all over the internet and when we stalked Yuvraj Singh's Instagram, we found his wedding photos super cute. The couple has been engaged for a year and got married on November 30, 2016, at Gurudwara in Chandigarh and the grand reception will be at Delhi on December 7, 2016. Yet the pre-wedding functions are full in the swing and the photos will bring a smile on your face. These cuties have a filmy love story which is quite interesting to know. Yuvraj shared his filmy love story on the sets of Kapil Sharma Show and the chemistry between Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech was adorable to see. Presenting to you the beautiful photos of Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech wedding:
When Yuvraj first met Hazel he was instantly attracted and wanted to date her, but Hazel brushed off every time he asked her for coffee. In fact, she would even switch off her phone and ignore him.
Then after three years of pursuing Hazel, finally they met over coffee and love bloomed between them. It was after a year of knowing each other, Yuvraj and Hazel got engaged in Bali last year.
The cricket stars were spotted at the sangeet ceremony:
They had a traditional Sikh wedding ceremony at the Gurudwara in Chandigarh. The cute couple wore famous designer J.J. Valaya outfit for the wedding ceremony and they look stunning as ever.
Don't they look super royal and adorable at their wedding? We are now excited to see this lovely couple and the celebrities at their wedding reception which is on Dec 7 2016. Stay tuned for more lovely photos.
A creative writer who enjoys romantic novels, huge fan of Marilyn Monroe and believer of karma. Loves to explore life and enjoys it to the fullest. Addicted to diamonds and bling jewelry. When not writing, busy stalking celebrity fashion or reading food blogs.